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Time Picker

Time Picker component is a user interface element that allows users to select a specific time

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Time Picker component is a user interface element that allows users to select a specific time from a predefined set of options or manually input a time value. It is commonly used in forms, scheduling applications, and settings menus to facilitate time selection.

anatomy guideline textfield
  1. Time Input Field: A text input field where users can manually enter a time value.

  2. Time Selector: A dropdown or input field for selecting the hour, minute, and second portion of the time.

  3. AM/PM Selector (Optional): If applicable, a dropdown or input field for selecting the AM or PM designation.

  4. Time Picker Icon/Button: An icon or button that opens the time picker modal when clicked.

  5. Time Picker Modal: A modal or dropdown panel that displays the available time options for selection.

  6. Caption (optional): provides contextual assistance like helper text, in any area where the user might need additional information to provide the right input.

  7. Time Now Button (Optional): Allows users to set the time based on the current time

  8. OK/Apply Button: Confirms the selected time and closes the modal, saving the chosen time value.


The Time Picker component can be used in various contexts, such as:

  • Form Input: Use it in forms where users need to specify a time for appointments, reservations, or other time-sensitive data.

  • Scheduling Applications: Implement it in scheduling applications to allow users to set event times easily.

  • Settings: Utilize it in user settings menus to enable users to customize time-related preferences.

Common places buttons appear : Mobile app homepage , website homepage and other pages when needed etc.

When to use

  • Time Input is Required: Users need to provide a time value as part of data input.
  • Precision is Necessary: Precise time selection, down to the minute, is important.
  • Standardization is Needed: Ensuring a consistent time format across the application is required.
  • User-Friendly Interaction: Users are more comfortable with a visual time selection method rather than manual input.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: On mobile devices, where typing can be cumbersome, a Time Picker simplifies time entry.

When not to use

  • Time Input is Required: Users need to provide a time value as part of data input.
  • Precision is Necessary: Precise time selection, down to the minute, is important.
  • Standardization is Needed: Ensuring a consistent time format across the application is required.
  • User-Friendly Interaction: Users are more comfortable with a visual time selection method rather than manual input.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: On mobile devices, where typing can be cumbersome, a Time Picker simplifies time entry.


To ensure accessibility, follow these guidelines:

  • Provide keyboard navigation and focus management within the Time Picker.

  • Implement ARIA roles and attributes to enhance screen reader compatibility.

  • Ensure that all Time Picker elements have clear and descriptive labels.

  • Use sufficient color contrast for text and UI elements.

  • Test the Time Picker with assistive technologies to verify usability.

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Provide clear and concise labels & icon for all Time Picker components.

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The label & icon that being provide is not clear & concise so it became ambiguous


When creating Time Picker :

  • Clear Labels: Ensure all components are labeled clearly and descriptively.

  • Example: “Hours,” “Minutes,” “AM/PM.”

  • Placeholder Text: Use placeholder text in the time input field to provide an example or format hint.

  • Example: “Enter time (e.g., 3:30 PM).”

  • Error Messages: Provide informative error messages if users enter invalid time values.

  • Example: “Please enter a valid time (e.g., 3:30 PM).”

  • Help Text: Include tooltips or help text to assist users in understanding how to use the Time Picker.

  • Example: “Click the clock icon to select a time.”

  • AM/PM Clarification (if applicable): Explain the purpose of the AM/PM selector.

  • Example: “Select ‘AM’ for morning times and ‘PM’ for afternoon/evening times.”

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Provide and allow users to switch between AM and PM.

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Didn’t provide and allow users to switch between AM and PM.