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Release Notes

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Latest Release

This is the changelog information of latest version and if you have any ideas or feedback for improvements in the next version please tell us from the feedback section

15 July 2024

Website Updates

Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.70.80

Component Design

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Breadcrumb

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for DatePicker

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Dropdown

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Modal

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Navigation

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Pagination

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for PinInput

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for ProgressCircle

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Rating

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Sidebar

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Slider

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Table

Updated: Change structure for Tabs

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Tree

Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Upload

Pattern Updates

Pattern Dashboard

Updated: Modify tab structure in Website’s Dashboard Pattern

Updated: Add new Data Visualization tab in Website’s Dashboard Pattern

Updated: Moved Data Visualization information from Guideline tab to Data Visualization tab

Updated: Split Data Visualization category into 4 new categories; Comparison, Composition, Relationship, and Distribution

Updated: Change charts composition into the new 4 categories

Updated: Improve copy of charts in Data Visualization tab

Updated: Improve use case according to Telkom’s Dashboard

Updated: Change naming categories into new 4 categories on Live Preview website

Updated: Change charts composition into new 4 categories on Live Preview website

Pattern User Management

Updated: Add use case for Access Control List (ACL)

Updated: Add use case for Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Updated: Add guideline for User Management case

Updated: Add guideline for Role Management case

Updated: Add guideline for Permission Management

Updated: Improve copy of use case in ACL and RBAC

Updated: Change design comparison model Guideline

Updated: Change design level of permission Guideline

Pattern Login & Register (Website)

Updated: Add double check for Terms and Conditions and Privacy & Policy in Register (Sign Up) page - (Applied in all use cases)

Updated: Add Terms and Conditions page

Updated: Add Privacy and Policy page

Updated: Add new information of UU PDP in Guideline page

Updated: Add new information section about compliance in UU PDP (in Guideline: Website & Mobile page)

Pattern Login & Register (Mobile)

Updated: Add double check for Terms and Conditions and Privacy & Policy in Register (Sign Up) page - (Applied in all use cases)

Updated: Add Terms and Conditions page

Updated: Add Privacy and Policy page

Updated: Add new information of UU PDP in Guideline page

Updated: Add new information section about compliance in UU PDP (in Guideline: Website & Mobile page)

Previous Release

Find the changelog information on the previous version by clicking the section below

  • Website Updates

    Bugfix: Missing fixed menu on scroll

    New: Guideline page on Pin Input, Rating, and Tree components

    New: New Graphicon page

    New: Added new theme selection

    Bugfix: Fixed baseWhite to basewhite

    Bugfix: Fixed baseBlack to baseblack

    Bugfix: Fixed unique default ID and adds props name to Textarea and Textfield components

    Bugfix: Added props name to Switch component

    Update: Remove props show improve toogle with DOM on Dropdown component

    Update: Change setTimeOut to setInterval

    Development Library Updates

    Legion Phoenix - Release Version: 2.1.1

    Bugfix: Fixed baseWhite to basewhite

    Bugfix: Fixed baseBlack to baseblack

    Bugfix: Fixed unique default ID and adds props name to Textarea and Textfield components

    Bugfix: Added props name to Switch component

    Update: Remove props show improve toogle with DOM on Dropdown component

    Update: Change setTimeOut to setInterval

    Design Library Updates

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.68.37

    New: Login and Register New Cases

    New: BPOM Theme

    New: Feedback Hover Section

    Update: Login and Register Pattern Guideline

    Update: Download Modal for Legion Android Prototype

    Update: Components’ and Patterns’ Figma and Code Resources

    Update: Add color information on Chip

    Update: Add onKeyDown prop in Textfield

    Update: Add Capability Change Custom Color In Android Button Component

    Update: Add Capability to Hide Icon on Android Alert

    Update: Add Capability to set error without label

    Update: New Android Modal Component

    Update: New Android Tooltip Component

    Update: Add Capability to Load File in LgnPhotoField

    Bugfix: Overwrite className behaviour

    Bugfix: Various bugs fixing

    Bugfix: Text Allignment on Button Label

    Bugfix: Space Icon in Button

    Development Library Updates

    Legion Phoenix - Release Version: 2.0.0-beta.28

    New: Component ProgressbarCirlce

    Update: Design datepicker time component

    Update: Tooltip component

    Update: Add color information on Chip

    Update: Add onKeyDown prop in Textfield

    Bugfix: Overwrite className behaviour

    Bugfix: Various bugs fixing

    Bugfix: Put back custom props to all component

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 2.0.2

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Accordion

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Alert

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Anchor Text

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Avatar

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Badge

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Button

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Card

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Chips

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Divider

    Updated: Change structure for Images

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Progress Bar

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Radio Button

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Select Field

    Updated: Change structure for Spinner

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Stepper

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Snackbar

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Switch

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Tooltip

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Text Area

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Text Fields

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Carousel for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Date Picker for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Drop Down for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Mega Menu for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Modal for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Navigation for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Pagination for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Slider for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Side Bar for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Table for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Tabs for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

  • Website Updates

    New: Embedded Storybook to interact with components in real-time

    New: Dashboard pattern

    New: Feature to see component’s test status, Figma and code resources of the patterns

    New: Illustration page

    New: Adds Illustrator menu on Home page

    New: Adds Squads’ font usage on the Typography documentation page

    Updates: Change structure of tab in website pattern dashboard

    Updates: Add new tab of data visualization in website pattern dashboard

    Updates: Moved data visualization information from guideline tab to data visualization tab

    Updates: Change data visualization category into 4 new categories; Comparison, Composition, Relationship, and Distribution

    Updates: Change charts composition into the new 4 categories

    Updates: Improve copy of charts in data visualization tab

    Updates: Improve use case according to Telkom’s dashboard

    Updates: Change naming categories into the new 4 categories on live preview website

    Updates: Change charts composition into the new 4 categories on live preview website

    Updates: Design’s Access Request information

    Updates: Development’s documentations Installation and Configuration

    Updates: Contribute and Request page

    Updates: Foundation’s documentations updates (Color System, Typography, Spacer, Radius, Elevation)

    Updates: Release Notes page for each platform

    Update: Overview cards on Components, Content, and Patterns

    Update: Accordion, Alert, Anchor, Avatar, Badge, Box, Button, Card, Checkbox, Chips, Date Picker, Divider, Dropdown, Flex, Image, Modal, Navigation Bar, Radio Button, Snackbar, Select Field, Sidebar, Spinner, Stepper, Switch, Tab Bar, Table, Textarea, Textfield, and Tooltip component <

    Update: Add Ime Options Capability on Text Field Component

    Update: Add Compability Snackbar on Bottom Sheet

    Update: New Component Navigation Bar

    Update: Revamp Multi photo field to LgnPhotoField

    Bug Fix: Space on Small Button when Icon visible only one

    Bug Fix: Button Action Snackbar not show properly

    Bug Fix: Image Picker Show on Disabled State on LgnPhotoField

    Bug Fix: Bottom Sheet Peek Height on Tablet Devices

    Bug Fix: Bottom Sheet Footer Button on Tablet Devices

    New Theme: Added new theme support Logee Distribution

    New Theme: Added new theme support Logee Transportation

    Bug Fix: Comments & readme on Switch component

    Update: Support Autocapitalization on LGNTextField

    Bug Fix: missing textfield placeholder

    Bug Fix: Fix broken textfield’s LGNContentModel inaccessible from all themes

    Bug Fix: Fix soft button showProgressView tint color, and open all properties of all buttons

    New: Add secure text support to LGNTextField

    Development Library Updates

    Legion Phoenix

    Legion Phoenix (will be addressed as Legion v2 from here on out), is the updated version of the Legion UI, has now been released! 🎉

    In this version, we have improved some aspects of the library from the previous one in order to be able to deliver your needs better to you.

    One of the biggest changes in v2 in our vision was to ditch Theme UI and went through to the root of Emotion for better development process as default styling solution in Legion.

    By eliminating Theme UI, we are confident to say that we can produce better components, more efficient, more straightforward, not being limited to Theme UI’s rules, and the big elephant in the room is that we can trim a lot of production bundle size. This will be addressed in other section of the article.

    Why Should You Migrate

    Legion v2 includes many bug fixes and improvement over v1.

    Some of the changes we proudly could approve is having the core of Legion itself easier now, to customize your components and styling directly instead of doing parent and children destructurization.

    Other than that, Legion v2 starts to adapt what’s been the latest standard of React that is the latest React 18, in order to use all the advantages React 18 has to offer surely you need to migrate.

    Further changelogs regarding v2

    Here are some consideration to look at when we tried to document what has been the common issues from Legion v1, what’s changed and how do we resolve those problems.

    Common issues
    • Heavy bundle size causing performance issues to consider implementing it, some of it caused by not implementing tree shaking method in its packaging, unoptimized component production, and file structure as a general

    • The difficult to override in certain theme styling without needing to update the package as a whole, also the difficult to customize components further

    • Package caching, happens often when there’s an update presented but since the package is cached the update isn’t as instant. The alternative solution would be reinstalling the whole package and have another package-lock generated

    • Temporary Service Outage from Nexus preventing our users to develop their app, ranging from the Nexus itself running out of space, authentication issues, etc.

    • There is no playground for our users to preview components when developing or trying out components, our temporary solution was to make a separate React App and then link the legion-ui package which is not the most efficient thing

    • There’s no development build, a feature would get released to the production build’s package immediately and bugs are often hotfixed when it’s live

    • Inconsistent documentation writing with less strict Quality Check and communication between our Front End Engineer and Documentation Engineer

    What’s planned and what’s changing
    • We are now in Telkom’s Playcourt area, which means it will be now easier for you to contribute and report your issues directly to us. Everyone is welcome to contribute, with just a little bit of README and Contribution Guideline reading, you can start helping us out!

    • Removing react-feather as our icon library to reduce bundle size, and our users can be more flexible with their iconography choices. We are planing to still provide our in house icon library in further development with less bundle size and better implementation

    • Removing Theme UI as styling dependencies and decided to went with Emotion to reduce bundle size, and simplify our development process. As for users, it will be easier to customize your components too since you don’t have to deal with Theme UI and will be directly customizing from Emotion

    • Modular and tree-shaking support to reduce bundle size, and users can be more flexible with what components are they using

    • Changing the Theming schema from having to package installation, to an API based theming. This will improve real-time theming experience without needing to switch theme version everytime there is an update from Figma

    • Supports responsive block and polymorphism for some of our components (Text, Flex, Block)

    • Supports better on React’s ref including Text, List, Checkbox, Radio, Textfield, Textarea, and Button

    • Renaming our package from legion-ui to @legion-ui/core for easier package scoping, users’ development process, and publishing in our ends

    • Implementing Storybook for testing purpose, component previews and documentations, and storybook embeds in our website. This is to eliminate some cases where components’ styling aren’t aligned properly in what’s in designer’s Figma

    • Better Typescript experience, especially in interface and type writing

    Now that it’s all there, go over to our installation page to start using our latest Legion v2 library immediately!

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 2.0.0

    Update: Accordion, Alert, Anchor, Avatar, Badge, Box, Button, Card, Checkbox, Chips, Date Picker, Divider, Dropdown, Flex, Image, Modal, Navigation Bar, Radio Button, Snackbar, Select Field, Sidebar, Spinner, Stepper, Switch, Tab Bar, Table, Textarea, Textfield, and Tooltip component

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.9.20

    Update: Change structure size to master component, change icons, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, add loading state and border adjust radius in Button Component

    Update: Change structure size and variant to master component, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, adjust icons in Checkbox Component

    Update: Change structure size to master component, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, adjust icons in Radio Button Component

    Update: Change structure size to master component, change icons, implementation component properties and implementation nested component in Anchor Text Component

    Update: Change structure size to master component, change icons, implementation component properties and implementation nested component in Chips Component

    Update: Change structure size to master component, change icons, implementation component properties and implementation nested component in Avatar Component

    Update: Change structure size and type to master component, change icons, implementation component properties and implementation nested component in Badge Component

    Update: Change structure size to master component, change icons, reduces base variants, adjust border radius, implementation component properties, add hover state and implementation nested component in Text Field Component

    Update: Change icon library from Feather Icon to Tabler Icon

    Update: Update base component sidebar, add child menu to show when hover sidebar in collapsed state and update icons

    Update: Covert to new hi-fidelity design pattern login & register in Legion Project - Pattern Library Website

    New: Add Uploader component in Legion Project - UI Library Internal - Website UI Component

    New: Add Pattern Dashboard in Legion Project - Pattern Library Website

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.46.25

    Update: Component content structure and width

    Update: New and More consistent props naming, still supports legacy props whatsoever! (Accordion, Anchor, Avatar, Badge, Card, Checkbox, Carousel, Switch, Textfield)

    Update: Add sx support for Button component

    Update: Add color props support for Button component

    Update: Add new Datepicker & DateRangePicker component

    Update: Add new Stepper component

    Update: Add new TabBar component

    Update: Add new props towards Sidebar component (New active state variant, hidden menu option, and badge addition support)

    Update: Select component’s box shadow color to be connected with each theme’s token

    Update: Card component’s props and documentation

    Update: Add margin to the right of Modal’s title instead of giving margin left from Modal’s icon title

    Update: Give default global font family for Textarea component

    Update: Give DynamicIcon component color props to fulfill custom icon coloring

    Update: Flexible font size for Accordion component

    Update: Dynamic background and text color in Select component states

    Fix: Make onClick optinal for Chip component

    Fix: Error children types on Accordion, Modal, Switch component

    Fix: Error key props on Carousel component

    Fix: Error props sizeBox because of rest parameter on Checkbox component

    Fix: z-index priority issue on Textfield component

    Fix: TabBar Wrapper not rendering in Legion Site properly

    Update: New Tab Bar Component

    Update: Add Success State on Password Field

    Update: New Badge Component

    Update: Revamp Single Text Field Prefix and Suffix

    Update: Add Compability Background Color on Single Text Field

    Update: New Alert Component

    Theme: Add AGR theme for Tab Bar

    Theme: Add AGL theme for Tab Bar

    Theme: Add AQF theme for Tab Bar

    Theme: Add MTN theme for Tab Bar

    Fix: Fix broken Textfield’s LGNContentModel inaccessible from all themes

    Fix: Enable swipe-up to expand LGNSheetBottom

    Fix: Open few parameters for modification on LGNInlineTextField, LGNOutlineTextField, LGNInlineTextView and LGNOutlineTextView

    Fix: Fix inaccessible fonts on Themes

    Fix: Adjust theme color token and font accessibility

    Fix: Fix color and typography for ThemeEazy

    Fix: Add namespace to color assets

    Update: Create ThemeEazy

    Development Library Updates

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 1.0.44

    Update: New and More consistent props naming, still supports legacy props whatsoever! (Accordion, Anchor, Avatar, Badge, Card, Checkbox, Carousel, Switch, Textfield)

    Update: Add sx support for Button component

    Update: Add color props support for Button component

    Update: Add new Datepicker & DateRangePicker component

    Update: Add new Stepper component

    Update: Add new TabBar component

    Update: Add new props towards Sidebar component (New active state variant, hidden menu option, and badge addition support)

    Update: Select component’s box shadow color to be connected with each theme’s token

    Update: Card component’s props and documentation

    Update: Add margin to the right of Modal’s title instead of giving margin left from Modal’s icon title

    Update: Give default global font family for Textarea component

    Update: Give DynamicIcon component color props to fulfill custom icon coloring

    Update: Flexible font size for Accordion component

    Update: Dynamic background and text color in Select component states

    Fix: Make onClick optinal for Chip component

    Fix: Error children types on Accordion, Modal, Switch component

    Fix: Error key props on Carousel component

    Fix: Error props sizeBox because of rest parameter on Checkbox component

    Fix: z-index priority issue on Textfield component

    Fix: TabBar Wrapper not rendering in Legion Site properly

    Fix: Button component’s to only use its original dimension

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.7.12

    Update : Add tab properties and icon option inside menu for Mega Menu component

    Update : Change line orientation to inside for Textfield component

    Update : Add size option properties in master Date Range Picker component

    Update : Add badge option, collapse, expanded, footer content, and style variants in Sidebar component

    Update : Add color swap option in buttons components

    Update : Add own base list in dropdown component to solve unlink from base component

    Update : Add state hover, selected and icon option in chips components

    Update : variant of divider component matching with code assets

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.44.12

    Update: Add new Alert component for Website and iOS

    Update: Add new Carousel component for Website

    Update: Add new Megamenu component Website

    Update: Add async feature for Select component for Website

    Update: Adjust Z-Index level on Dropdown component for Website

    Update: Adjust DataTable component styling for Website

    Update: Spinner Component for Android

    Update: Add compatibility to change tint navigation icon on Toolbar for Android

    Update: Added component Bottom Sheet Dialog for Android

    Update: Added component Image View for Android

    Update: Added capability Button to set transparent variant for Android

    New Theme: Added new theme support Agree Fisheries for Android and iOS

    New Theme: Added new theme support Agree Livestock for Android and iOS

    New Theme: Added new theme support MyTens for Android and iOS

    Bug Fix: Divider Colors for Android

    Bug Fix: Icon Button not tint correctly for Android

    Bug Fix: isEnabled Status Wrong on Outline type Button for Android

    Bug Fix: isEnabled Status Wrong on Transparent type Button for Android

    Bug Fix: Limit Photo Not Work on MultiplePhotoField for Android

    Bug Fix: Anchor Text Padding for Android

    Bug Fix: Bottom Sheet not dismissed after pick photo from camera for Android

    Development Library Updates

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 1.0.40

    Update: Add new Alert component

    Update: Add new Carousel component

    Update: Add new Chip component

    Update: Add new Megamenu component

    Update: Add new Modal component

    Update: Add async feature for Select component

    Update: Adjust Z-Index level on Dropdown component

    Update: Adjust DataTable component styling

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.7.4

    New : Add Alert component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    New : Add Mega Menu component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    New : Add Stepper component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Variant type Sub Menu & Group menu Sidebar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Variant size Medium & Small Date Range component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Default colors Tooltips component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add standalone base list Dropdown component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add development status information & design guideline link update in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.30.2

    Update : Add new Accordion Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Avatar Component for IOS

    Update : Add new Box Component for Website

    Update : Add new Button Component for IOS

    Update : Add new Chip Component for Android & Guideline

    Update : Add new Dropdown Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Flex Component for Website

    Update : Add new Grid Component for Website

    Update : Add new Image Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Navigation Bar Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Radio Button Component for IOS, Android & Guideline

    Update : Add new sidebar Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Switch Component for IOS & Android

    Update : Add new TextField Component for IOS

    Update : Add new TextArea Component for IOS

    Update : Add new View State Component for Android

    Development Library Updates

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 1.0.19

    Update : Add new Accordion Component

    Update : Add new Box Component

    Update : Add new Data Table Component

    Update : Add new Dropdown Component

    Update : Add new Flex Component

    Update : Add new Grid Component

    Update : Add new Image Component

    Update : Add new Navigation Bar Component

    Update : Add new sidebar Component

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.7.0

    Update : Add Date Picker component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Range Picker component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Carousel component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Dropdown component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Change variant Chips component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.17.2

    Update : Add Top of Content feature

    Update : Update field Multitheme select

    Update : Add Icon in sidebar navigation

    Update : Add Badge for New, Update & Upcoming Component

    Update : Add Instalation & Configuration for IOS Platform

    Update : Add new Card Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Snackbar Component for Android & Guideline

    Update : Add new Table Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add new Tooltip Component for Website & Guideline

    Update : Add section Error Message in Textarea Component for Website

    Update : Add section Caption in Textarea Component for Website

    Update : Add section Error Message in TextField Component for Website

    Update : Add section Caption in TextField Component for Website

    Update : Add section Size in TextField Component for Website

    Update : sticky position multi Brand selection for all content

    Update : typo title heading of elevation page

    Development Library Updates

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 1.9.0

    Update : Add new Card Component

    Update : Add new Select Component

    Update : Add new Table Component

    Update : Add new Tooltips Component

    Update : Add properties Caption in Texfield Component for Website

    Update : Add properties Caption in Textarea Component for Website

    Update : Add properties Error Message in Texfield Component for Website

    Update : Add properties Error Message in Textarea Component for Website

    Update : Add properties Size in Textfield Component for Website

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.6.0

    Update : Add Card component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Select component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Navigation Bar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add Date Picker component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Revamp Tab Bar component with properties and nested component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Revamp Textfield component with properties and nested component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.3.1

    Update : add documentation textarea component platform website & android include the guideline

    Update : add documentation textfield component platform website & android include the guideline

    Update : add documentation switch component platform website & android include the guideline

    Update : add documentation spinner component platform website & android include the guideline

    Update : add documentation avatar component platform website & android include the guideline

    Update : add documentation badge component platform website & android include the guideline

    Update : props information in anchor text, button, checkbox component for website platform

    Update : add responsive props in typography component

    Bug Fix : responsive layout and content in viewport large screen

    Development Library Updates

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 1.0.11

    Update : add responsive props option for Heading, Body, Caption component

    Update : add color props option for Heading, Body, Caption component

    Update : add background and text color styling in all theme

    Update : replace textfield built in colors with token colors properties

    Update : add avatar and badge component token value properties

    Bug Fix : rename disabledAncor props to disabled in Anchor Text component

    Bug Fix : refactor Heading component, more compact code, serve its heading level

    Bug Fix : update switch component to used default outline value style

    Bug Fix : update textfield outline style focussed stated not show the style

    Design Library Updates

    Website Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.0.8

    Update : Add changelog information and update heading component documentation

    Update : Change all component color properties with new foundation color scale

    Update : Add tabel component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add sidebar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Add spinner component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Bug Fix : Remove content button, button group, button icon variant type and replace with slot in divider component

    Update : Add line variant type in divider component

    Bug Fix : Replace anchor text with soft button in snackbar content base component

    Bug Fix : Hide avatar option in base component of badge

    Update : Add variant size large and add new property variant style in badge component

    Bug Fix : Remove line in state hover and pressed then replace with undertline text style in anchor text component

    Update : Change variant style primary to solid and secondary to soft in button component

    Update : Add new variant style outline and transparent in base and include the variant of button component

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 2.0.0

    Update : menu structure and information architecture

    Update : add overview page for foundation, component and pattern

    Update : content login & Register and Onboarding on pattern menu

    Update : update global search optimization Lurn search feature

    Update : add guideline anchor text component in tab section

    Update : add guideline button component in tab section

    Update : add guideline checkbox component in tab section

    Update : add multibrand section feature to accomodate liveview of different brand’s

    Update : add guideline installation and configuration enhancement Website platform

    Update : add guideline installation and configuration enhancement Android platform

    Bug Fix : resposive view for homepage, about us and all content layout

    Development Library Updates

    Website (Legion-UI) - Release Version : 1.0.9

    Update : change dependency management to nexus private package

    Update : color scale 25-900 tokens template themes

    Bug Fix : Heading and Body component tokens fonts family

    Update : badge variants option primary, secondary, information, error, success and warning

    Bug Fix : typography issue not show the FontFamily from themes

    Design Library Updates

    Update : Added bottom sheet component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Added top bar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Added snackbar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Added chips component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Added badge component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Update : Added avatar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Website UI Component

    Foundation/Helper Kit

    Update : color scale and documentation in Legion Project - UI Library - Foundation

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 1.2.7

    • Update navbar menu for responsive mobile
    • Update layout section content
    • Added new source code component
    • Layout pixel perfect
    • Responsiveness
    • Component page setup
    • Adding SASS support for css modularization at docs
    • Static search bar problem
    • Reduce too big asset file
    • Fixing minor request
    • Update responsive view
    • Update design and illustration
    • Update foundation page
    • Update motion page
    • Added home / landing page
    • Added library & flow page
    • Added project structure page
    • Added writting for pattern page
    • Added guideline pattern page
    • Added search feature

    Development Library Updates

    • Add component checkbox
    • Add component Heading
    • Add component Body
    • Add component Caption
    • Add design token integration from figma
    • Create theme base for default style
    • Add component switch
    • Add component divider

    Design Library Updates

    • Update Component figma auto layout and variant updates
    • Added Component Anchor Text for Mobile
    • Added Component Anchor Text Area for Mobile
    • Added Component Anchor Text for website
    • Added Component Anchor Text Area for website
    • Update helper with IOS 14 kit
    • Added component divider

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 0.8.5

    • Added Support page menu
    • Fix Spacing between content at the docs
    • Change image to vector for a better design presentation
    • Fix title and content margin to larger size
    • Add props control to hide and show Content Toggler in Code Section
    • Added monthly publication menu
    • Update state draft Component
    • Update preview code block

    Development Library Updates

    • Add component checkbox
    • Add component Heading
    • Add component Body
    • Add component Caption
    • Add design token integration from figma
    • Create theme base for default style
    • Add component switch

    Design Library Updates

    • Added helper component libbrary
    • Added Component checkbox for Mobile
    • Added Component textfield for website
    • Added Component switch for website
    • Added Component textfield for mobile
    • Update UI Foundation Color System and Typography

  • Website Updates

    Website Documentation - Release Version : 0.5.2

    • Layout pixel perfect
    • Responsiveness
    • Component page setup
    • Adding SASS support for css modularization at docs
    • Static search bar problem
    • Too big asset file
    • Fixing minor request
    • Dynamic Components Version Dropdown
    • Sub-categorized sidebar Problem
    • Dynamic Components Version Dropdown
    • Sub-categorized sidebar Problem
    • Filling content with pattern design
    • Research iframe and sidebar
    • Logo
    • Favicon
    • Pattern Library separated content
    • Minor fixing css DocItem, DocContainer
    • Responsive Search static component
    • Fix viewport ordering trough navbar dan sidebar
    • Fix margin card homepage
    • Fix Navbar padding similar to content
    • Add Fullscreen anchor link at bottom of iframe
    • Content toggler for component and style

    Development Library Updates

    • Cretate private dependency in verdacio
    • Create draft component button website
    • Add lerna to development packge website

    Design Library Updates

    • Added Project Pattern Library Website and Pattern Library Mobile
    • Adding Website Login Pattern
    • Added Mobile Login Pattern
    • Added Project UI Library, Project Library and Helpers Library
    • Added UI Component Website
    • Added UI Foundation template