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Latest Release

This is the changelog information of latest version and if you have any ideas or feedback for improvements in the next version please tell us from the feedback section

9 August 2024

Development Library Updates

Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 2.0.0

New: Android Compose for Legion is now Available!

New: New Accordion Component for Android Compose.

New: New Alert Component for Android Compose.

New: New Anchor Component for Android Compose.

New: New Avatar Component for Android Compose.

New: New Badge Component for Android Compose.

New: New Bottom Sheet Component for Android Compose.

New: New Checkbox Component for Android Compose.

New: New Chips Component for Android Compose.

New: New Dropdown Component for Android Compose.

New: New Modal Component for Android Compose.

New: New Pin Input Component for Android Compose.

New: New Progress Circle Component for Android Compose.

New: New Radio Button Component for Android Compose.

New: New Rating Component for Android Compose.

New: New Slider Component for Android Compose.

New: New Snackbar Component for Android Compose.

New: New Spinner Component for Android Compose.

New: New Textarea Component for Android Compose.

New: New Textfield Component for Android Compose.

New: New Tooltip Component for Android Compose.

Design Library Updates

Previous Release

Find the changelog information on the previous version by clicking the section below

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.42.1

    New: Support Tablet/Fold on Foundation Page

    Bugfix: Proguard ViewState

    Design Library Updates

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.41.2

    Update: Add Capability Change Custom Color In Button Component

    Update: Add Capability to Hide Icon on Alert

    Update: Add Capability to set error without label

    Update: New Modal Component

    Update: New Tooltip Component

    Update: Add Capability to Load File in LgnPhotoField

    Bugfix: Text Allignment on Button Label

    Bugfix: Space Icon in Button

    Design Library Updates

    Mobile Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version: 2.0.2

    Updated: Split component Android and iOS

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Accordion

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Anchor Text

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Button

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Checkbox

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Chip

    Updated: Change structure for Images

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Radio Button

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Switch

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Text Area

    Updated: Change structure, implementation component properties, implementation nested component, for Text Fields

    New Component: New Component with component properties and nested component for Alert

    New Component: New Component with component properties and nested component for Divider

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Avatar for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Badge for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Bottom Bar for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Bottom Sheet for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Modal for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Navigation Bar for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Snackbar for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Tab Bar for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

    Deprecated: Temporarily removed component Tooltip for bug fixes to repair structural components and will be released again in the next version

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.35.5

    Update: Add Ime Options Capability on Text Field Component

    Update: Add Compability Snackbar on Bottom Sheet

    Update: New Component Navigation Bar

    Update: Revamp Multi photo field to LgnPhotoField

    Bug Fix: Space on Small Button when Icon visible only one

    Bug Fix: Button Action Snackbar not show properly

    Bug Fix: Image Picker Show on Disabled State on LgnPhotoField

    Bug Fix: Bottom Sheet Peek Height on Tablet Devices

    Bug Fix: Bottom Sheet Footer Button on Tablet Devices

    New Theme: Added new theme support Logee Distribution

    New Theme: Added new theme support Logee Transportation

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.29.0

    Update: New Tab Bar Component

    Update: Add Success State on Password Field

    Update: New Badge Component

    Update: Revamp Single Text Field Prefix and Suffix

    Update: Add Compability Background Color on Single Text Field

    Update: New Alert Component

    Theme: Add AGR theme for Tab Bar

    Theme: Add AGL theme for Tab Bar

    Theme: Add AQF theme for Tab Bar

    Theme: Add MTN theme for Tab Bar

    Design Library Updates

    Mobile Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version: 1.0.8

    New : Add Alert component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Remove Variant primary, responsive, and state focussed Anchor Text component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Remove Variant state focussed Button component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Add development status information & design guideline link update in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.23.7

    Update: Spinner Component

    Update: Add compatibility to change tint navigation icon on Toolbar

    Update: Added component Bottom Sheet Dialog

    Update: Added component Image View

    Update: Added capability Button to set transparent variant

    New Theme: Added new theme support Agree Fisheries

    New Theme: Added new theme support Agree Livestock

    New Theme: Added new theme support MyTens

    Bug Fix: Divider Colors

    Bug Fix: Icon Button not tint correctly

    Bug Fix: isEnabled Status Wrong on Outline type Button

    Bug Fix: isEnabled Status Wrong on Transparent type Button

    Bug Fix: Limit Photo Not Work on MultiplePhotoField

    Bug Fix: Anchor Text Padding

    Bug Fix: Bottom Sheet not dismissed after pick photo from camera

    Design Library Updates

    Mobile Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version: 1.0.8

    New : Add Alert component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Remove Variant primary, responsive, and state focussed Anchor Text component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Remove Variant state focussed Button component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Add development status information & design guideline link update in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.15.0

    Update: Add compability image permission to Android 13

    Update: Add Component Switch

    Update: Add Component State View

    Update: Add capability Chips to set click listener on non filter type

    Update: Add capability Chips to change background colors

    Update: Add capability Chips to change stroke colors

    Update: Add capability Chips to change text colors

    New Theme: Add New Theme Support Agree Culture

    Design Library Updates

    Mobile Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version: 1.0.5

    Update : Change default and small size variant Switch component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.8.6

    Update : New Button Ghost Variant

    Update : New Divider Component

    Update : New Snackbar Component

    Update : New Anchor Text Component

    Update : Color Foundation to latest

    Update : Add extension function for RecyclerView to support using Divider component

    Update : Add compability snackbar with fragment

    Update : Add compability set horizontal orientation on RadioGroup and RadioContainer

    Update : Revamp Button Fill Variant

    Update : Revamp Button Outline Variant

    Bug Fix : SearchView border not show

    Bug Fix : Preview not shown on component CustomImageView

    Bug Fix : Hint crashed component RadioContainer if hint is empty

    Bug Fix : MultiplePhotoField when enable status changed

    Design Library Updates

    Mobile Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version: 1.0.4

    Update : Change colors Tab Bar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Remove line and change to text underline Anchor Text component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 1.0.0

    Update: add variant with Icon on button component

    Update: add disable state on MultiPhotoField component

    Update: add compatibility to change chipBackgroundColor of chips component

    Update: add load from url in MultiplePhotoField component

    Update: elevation to latest design foundation

    Update: add variant with Icon on button component

    Update: add disable state on MultiPhotoField component

    Update: add compatibility to change chipBackgroundColor of chips component

    Update: add load from url in MultiplePhotoField component

    Update: elevation to latest design foundation

    Update: Add Listener when image on loading at MultiplePhotoField

    Update: Improvements image caching on MultiplePhotoField

    Update: Add empty state when image not avalaibe on MultiplePhotoField

    Bug Fix: double bottom sheet when dropdown overriden

    Bug Fix: padding in prefix and suffix of textfield component

    Bug Fix: secondary Checkbox component Label not Show

    Bug Fix: double bottom sheet when dropdown overriden

    Bug Fix: secondary Checkbox component Label not Show

    Bug Fix: Image Rotation when pick image from camera

    Bug Fix: padding in prefix and suffix of textfield component

    Bug Fix: TimeField wrong format text

    Bug Fix: MultiplePhotoField not loop images data when DSL Declaration

    Revamp: Toolbar Layout and mechanism

    Design Library Updates

    Mobile Pattern and UI Kit - Release Version : 1.0.2

    Update : Added Button Group component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Change all component color properties with new foundation color scale

    Update : Change variant style primary to solid and secondary to soft in button component

    Update : Add new variant style outline and transparent in base and include the variant of button component

  • Development Library Updates

    Android (Legion-Android) - Release Version : 0.1.0

    Initial Release

    Design Library Updates

    Update : Added tooltip component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Added top bar component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Added slider component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Added images componentin Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Added badge componentin Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Added radio button component in Legion Project - UI Library - Mobile UI Component

    Update : Added onboarding pattern in Legion Project - Pattern Library Website