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Alert are to display a list of options on a temporary surface

Component Status Details

Status component contains a list of checks and completeness that has been tested and owned by each component

check-list-icon We don't use color as the only visual tool to convey information.
check-list-icon The component’s structure and properties include relevant options such as variant, style, size, orientation, optional iconography, decorations, selection, error state, etc.check-list-icon The title is the component name that uses the frame base component template.check-list-icon The base component name contains: .Base & "Component Name" if there is more than one.check-list-icon All component properties use the Legion foundation.
check-list-icon We can change all the parts that are connected to the component base.check-list-icon The inside of the base component remains connected to the master component.check-list-icon All variant options are not damaged when we change from one to another.check-list-icon Overriding changes to components will not reset other variants.
check-list-icon Component's already has component specs documentation.




The Alert component is utilized to present a temporary surface that provides a list of options. It displays a brief message or notification to the user within an existing activity.

Bottom Sheet Legion React Native


import { Alert } from "@legion-crossplatform/ui";
const Alert = () => {
return (
title="This is Alert"
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Iure asperiores sunt
repellat dolores quibusdam."


Bottom Sheet Legion React Native

There are 4 variants available: Success, Info, Warning, Error. Following are example on how to use each variants:


title="This is a Success Alert"
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Iure asperiores sunt
repellat dolores quibusdam."
actionText="Call to Action"


title="This is an Info Alert"
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Iure asperiores sunt
repellat dolores quibusdam."
actionText="Call to Action"


title="This is a Warning Alert"
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Iure asperiores sunt
repellat dolores quibusdam."
actionText="Call to Action"


title="This is an Error Alert"
desc="Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Iure asperiores sunt
repellat dolores quibusdam."
actionText="Call to Action"


actionTextStringSet text for action button in alert
childrenReact.ReactNodeSet the children of Alert
closableBooleanTo make alert closable
descStringSet the description of Alert
titleStringSet the title of Alert
variantsuccess | info | warning | errorSet the variant of Alert
widthNumberSet the width of Alert