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Used to enter spesific text input form

Component Status Details

Status component contains a list of checks and completeness that has been tested and owned by each component

check-list-icon We don't use color as the only visual tool to convey information.
check-list-icon The component’s structure and properties include relevant options such as variant, style, size, orientation, optional iconography, decorations, selection, error state, etc.check-list-icon The title is the component name that uses the frame base component template.check-list-icon The base component name contains: .Base & "Component Name" if there is more than one.check-list-icon All component properties use the Legion foundation.
check-list-icon We can change all the parts that are connected to the component base.check-list-icon The inside of the base component remains connected to the master component.check-list-icon All variant options are not damaged when we change from one to another.check-list-icon Overriding changes to components will not reset other variants.
check-list-icon Component's already has component specs documentation.




Textfields allow user input. The border should light up simply and clearly indicating which field the user is currently editing.

Legion has 5 basic types of textfield:

  1. Basic Text Field
  2. Text Field with Label
  3. Text Field with Helper
  4. Required Text Field
  5. Optional Text Field

Legion has 5 states of textfield:

  1. State Normal
  2. Error State
  3. Success State
  4. Disable State
  5. Locked State

You can also implement prefix and suffix for your project.

For textfield customization, Legion provides 6 types of icon for the textfield:

  1. Left Icon
  2. Right Icon
  3. Prefix with Left Icon
  4. Prefix with Right Icon
  5. Suffix with Left Icon
  6. Suffix with Right Icon

And also Legion has 5 variants :

  1. Password Field
  2. Date Field
  3. Time Field
  4. Dropdown Field
  5. Unit Field
Legion Textfield in Android XML


Basic text field

Static in Xml

// define your attribute's here
... />


LgnEditText(requireContext()).apply {
// Your View's customization here

Text Field with Label

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
hint = "Email"

Text Field with Helper

Static in Xml

app:helperText="Masukkan email kamu!"


LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
helper = "Masukkan email kamu"

Required Text Field

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
isRequired = true

Optional Text Field

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
isOptional = true

State Normal

Static in Xml

// define your attribute's here
... />


LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
//Your View's customization here

Error State


LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
error = "Email sudah digunakan!"

Success State


LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
succcess = "Email dapat digunakan!"

Disable State

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
isEnabled = true

Locked State


LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
isLocked = true

Prefix Text

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
prefixText = "email"

Suffix Text

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
suffixText = "email"

Left Icon

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
startIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_calendar)

Right Icon

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
endIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_calendar)

Prefix with Left Icon

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
prefixStartIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_calendar)

Prefix with Right Icon

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
prefixEndIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_calendar)

Suffix with Left Icon

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
suffixStartIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_calendar)

Suffix with Right Icon

Static in Xml



LgnSingleField(requireContext()).apply {
suffixEndIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_calendar)

Password Field

Static in Xml

// define your attribute's here
... />


LgnPasswordField(requireContext()).apply {
// Your View's customization here

Date Field

Static in Xml



LgnCalendarField(requireContext()).apply {
dateFormat = DateFormat.DEFAULT_DATE

Time Field

Static in Xml

// define your attribute's here
... />


LgnTimeField(requireContext()).apply {
// Your View's customization here

To use dropdown, first define widget or component in your xml.

// define your attribute's here
... />

And then put dropdown items in your code.


Unit Field

To use Unit Field, first define widget or component in your xml.

// define your attribute's here
... />

And then put dropdown items in your code.



Attribute NameXml AttrsRelated method(s)Description
Hintandroid:hinttextTo show hint on textfield
Placeholder textapp:placeholderTextplaceHolderTo show placeholder on textfield
Helper textapp:helperTexthelperTo show helper text directly via xml
Digitsapp:digitsN/ATo show digit number on textfield
Input Type ¹android:inputTypeinputTypeTo set input type on text field directly via xml
Enable Statusandroid:enabledisEnableTo set enable or disable text area directly via xml
Required Statusapp:isRequiredisRequiredTo set required status on text area directly via xml
Optional Statusapp:isOptionalisOptionalTo set optional status on text area directly via xml
Suffix Text ¹app:suffixTextsuffixTextTo set suffix text on text field
Prefix Text ¹app:prefixTextprefixTextTo set prefix text on text field
Override Dropdown Behaviour ⁴ ⁵app:overrideDropdownoverrideDropdownTo override default behaviour of dropdown
Prefix End Icon Drawable ¹app:prefixEndIconDrawableprefixEndIconDrawableTo set icon on behind text prefix on text field directly via xml
Prefix Start Icon Drawable ¹app:prefixStartIconDrawableprefixStartIconDrawableTo set icon on front text prefix on text field directly via xml
Suffix End Icon Drawable ¹app:suffixEndIconDrawablesuffixEndIconDrawableTo set icon on behind text suffix on text field directly via xml
Suffix Start Icon Drawable ¹app:suffixStartIconDrawablesuffixStartIconDrawableTo set icon on front text suffix on text field directly via xml
Ellipsize Placement ¹android:ellipsizeellipsizeTo set where Ellipsize on text field directly via xml
Max Lines ¹android:maxLinesmaxLinesTo set maximum lines on text field directly via xml
Max Length ¹android:maxLengthmaxLengthTo set max length on text field directly via xml
Locked Field ¹N/AisLockedTo set locked field on LgnSingleField
Get Edit Text InstanceN/AeditTextTo get edit text instance from component
Add Values ⁴ ⁵N/AaddAll(List<String>)To set list of string to dropdown on component
Add Click Listener ⁴ ⁵N/AsetOnClickListenerTo set click listener on dropdown if you want override default behaviour
Add Dropdown Listener ⁴N/AsetListenerTo set listener on dropdown when value changed
Add Unit Listener ⁵N/AsetOnUnitListenerTo set listener on dropdown on unit field when value changed
Get Selected Unit Value ⁵N/AunitTo get selected unit on unit field
Get Edit Text on Dropdown Field Instance ⁵N/AdropDownTo get edittext on dropdown field instance on unit field
Set Error StateN/AisErrorTo set text field to error state
Set Error MessageN/AerrorTo set message on error state on text field, if you set error message, text field will automaticly configure to error state