Used to enter spesific text input form
Component Status Details
Status component contains a list of checks and completeness that has been tested and owned by each component
Textfield are used to defines a text input control.
Use Legion Textfield styles allow users to type text into an app, with support lots type and attribute to customize.
Usage With Theme
Available themes: ThemeAGR, ThemeMyTEnS, ThemeIHS & ThemeEazy
@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(text: $text)
@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(text: $text)
Usage Without Theme
@State var text: String = ""OutlineTxtField(text: $text)
@State var text: String = ""InlineTxtField(text: $text)
Outline State

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.idle)

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.error)

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.success)

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.disable)
Outline Left Icon

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text,leftIcon: Image(systemName: ""))
Outline Secure Text

@State var text: String = ""@State var isSecured: Bool = trueLGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).setSecured($isSecured)
Outline Label Title

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,label: "title")
Outline Caption
Caption with Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(image: Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle"),text: "caption"
Caption without Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(text: "caption"),showCaption: true)
Outline Prefix
Prefix with Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,prefix: ContentModel(image: Image(systemName: "chevron.right"),text: "prefix"))
Prefix without Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,prefix: ContentModel(text: "prefix"))
Outline Suffix
Suffix with Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,suffix: ContentModel(image: Image(systemName: "chevron.right"),text: "suffix"))
Suffix without Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,suffix: ContentModel(text: "suffix"))
Outline Hint Text
Hint and Caption

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(text: "Caption",hintText: "Hint Text"
Hint only

@State var text: String = ""LGNOutlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(text: "Caption",hintText: "Hint Text"
Inline State

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.idle)

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text)

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.success)

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text).state(.disable)
Inline Left Icon

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder"text: $text,leftIcon: Image(systemName: ""))
Inline Secure Text

@State var text: String = ""@State var isSecured: Bool = trueLGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).setSecured($isSecured)
Inline Label Title

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,label: "title")
Inline Caption
Caption with Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(image: Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle"),text: "caption"
Caption without Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(text: "caption"),showCaption: true)
Inline Prefix
Prefix with Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,prefix: ContentModel(image: Image(systemName: "chevron.right"),text: "prefix"))
Prefix without Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,prefix: ContentModel(text: "prefix"))
Inline Suffix
Suffix with Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,suffix: ContentModel(image: Image(systemName: "chevron.right"),text: "suffix"))
Suffix without Image

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text,suffix: ContentModel(text: "suffix"))
Inline Hint Text
Hint and Caption

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(text: "Caption",hintText: "Hint Text"
Hint only

@State var text: String = ""LGNInlineTextField(titleKey: "Placeholder",text: $text).showCaption(caption: ContentModel(text: "Caption",hintText: "Hint Text"
Properties | Description | Default Value |
titleKey | The key for the localized title of the text field, describing its purpose, default value is empty string | empty string "" |
text | The text to display and edit | not have |
label | The label to represent the title of the text field, default value is nil | nil (literal null value for objective-C classes) |
leftIcon | The icon is on the left of the text | nil (literal null value for objective-C classes) |
prefix | To show prefix content with position left side in text field | nil (literal null value for objective-C classes) |
sufix | To show suffix content with position right side in text field | nil (literal null value for objective-C classes) |
defaultBorderColor | The color will appear on the border of the text field, default value is Color tertiary300 | Color.tertiary300 |
errorBorderColor | The color will appear on the border of the text field on the error state, default value is Color error500 | Color.error500 |
successBorderColor | The color will appear on the border of the text field on the success state, default value is Color success500 | Color.success500 |